What causes condensation in the air?


Many people ask why there is so much condensation and moisture in the air during the cooler months, the answer to this is twofold. When the moisture in the air is converted from a gas being water vapour to liquid or water droplets this is called condensation, and is more evident during the colder seasons due to the heat generated by our breathing and any heating of the air in the home that takes place.

Unlike warm humid air during the summer season the air is not reacting in the same manner, although when warm humid air rises to the higher levels in our atmosphere and then mixes with the cooler air the same process takes place which in turn creates precipitation or rain as we call it.

The main difference being cool air does not rise, where as warm air does, and during winter the need to generate heat converts this air into droplets we call condensation.

Weiss Home Ventilation Systems

To remove condensation within your home the air needs constant recycling, a good ventilation system not only shifts this air around but also helps to dry the air which makes for heating inside far more efficient and effective.

Steve Newman